And the Call Sign Changed Again....

My call sign changed again and hopefully for the last time.  When I submitted for a vanity callsign the first time there was some error in processing the payment.  So a few days later I resubmitted a second request thinking the first one was dead and was going to submit a request for a refund.

Apparently both did go through because not long after I got the KB3MM callsign I got another one, K3DO.  More than anything it caused a bunch of confusion with the rapid change of Call Signs.  I liked KB3MM because of the MM was easy to remember for most because they just had to remember Mike Myers for the MM.

K3DO is not bad either, it is a 1x2 that are normally hard to come by so I am not complaining, just that the process of getting a Vanity call was a little confusing.  Now that vanity call signs are free of charge the process may be a little bit simpler.

Cleaning Up and Some Memories

Cleaning Up and Some Memories

Call Sign Change