Building a Communications Trailer from an Enclosed Cargo Trailer #3
In my last update it was before field day and I did not yet have the counter tops installed or the wall up. I am still not done but I am getting very close. It still looks like a mess because I am pulling the CAT5 cable now and installing the final pieces inside.
Below are some pictures of the current state as well as some pictures from field day.
This is the storage area in the back.
It is still a mess but it is getting closer.
The unpainted panel with the switches, battery charger control and the inverter control.
Jota Operators from field day.
Working contacts on field day.
The field day setup.
This is a picture of the small rack that sits to the right of station 2. It will have on it a Marine Band radio, a DMR radio, a GMRSradio, a network radio and a Citizens Band radio. I would also like to have a low band radio that can work on the Red Cross frequencies and an Air band.
The idea is that no matter what the situation we should be able to communicate with other services as needed. In addition to the radios there is also an AIS radio and multiple APRS radios.
My next update will be once I get the rest of the cables and IT gear installed. I have a couple more CAT 5 cables to run and a rack with a switch and gear to put in.
I was planning on painting the back wall but now I am thinking of putting carpet on the wall to help with the echo in the trailer. During field day people said it was echoing some so I am hoping if we put something soft on the wall it might help with the echo. I also think adding the rack to the front will help some too because the angled wall will have something to break up the sound.
When I get stuff complete I will do a more detailed description of how it is all setup and the thoughts around the design. We have a couple of bike events coming up that we do communications for. I hope to get it mostly complete by then but I will probably not give another update until after the events.